Tuesday 24 May 2011

school places and other sundry items....

This morning, we had a brief window before we needed to drive to the foster carer's home, so I went to the school at the end of the road to get application forms.  We've had a couple of gos at trying to sort out school places before.  But there has always been information we haven't had, which has made that difficult to do.  And social services were not prepared to supply it until the match with A and J was ratified.  I was also confident, having met A's teacher yesterday, that getting him into year one is the right thing to do.  I had wondered if we should fight for him to do reception again, and start afresh in September.  But on balance, I think going into year 1 will be fine.

I also wrote back to Social Services to confirm that "the proposed placement is acceptable" to us, as the letter we received this morning requested.  I'm inclined to think it's a little late now, if it isn't...!

I also found out what we need to do get J referred for Speech and Language Therapy.  His language is significantly behind for his age.

Meanwhile, Andy did the house work.

And at 1 o'clock, school places applied for, social services written to and kitchen tidied we set off for day 2 of introductions...

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