Monday 23 May 2011


We're just back home after a loooonnnnnggggg day which contained only one cup of coffee.

We were at Social Services this morning, for something called a Life Appreciation meeting.  Social Services invited all the people who've had input into James and Aaron's life to come and share what they know about the boys and any insights they had.

Loads of people came, including several from James' nursery and Aaron's current school teacher.  There were people from the family centre and from Sure Start who were involved when concern was first expressed.  Everyone was lovely and had obvious affection for the children.  It was very sad to hear in detail about what their early lives were like.  It was also deeply moving to be surrounded by so many warm, caring people who thought so much of the children.  We have pictures aplenty and James' nursery have made him a lovely photo album of his time there.

After the meeting came the planning of what looks like a pretty exhausting schedule of introductions over the next 10 days.

Then we popped round to see the kids for an hour or so after school.  Easier said than done.  They live on one of those roads that is in about 3 parts so we had great trouble actually finding the house.  Because the road goes round several corners, it was very easy to end up outside the right numbered house on the wrong road.  We thought we'd found it at one point and disturbed a rather bemused looking elderly gentleman with a laryngectomy.  Oops!

Apparently, our introductory books and DVD went down a storm.  James, in particular, has been watching Pim and Bibble incessantly, along with the foster carer's granddaughter.  When they received our family books along with the puppets, they recognised Bibble from the film.  We are told they didn't let the puppets leave their sides and Aaron wouldn't put his family book down and was kissing the picture of his new bedroom.  He has run the batteries down so the book is no longer a talking photo album.

We got on really well with the boys.  About as well as we generally do with most children we meet.  I was encouraged that they responded very normally to us both.  Not overly effusive or very reticent.  Just normal.  J is loud, giggly and boisterous.  He was soon doing rough and tumble play with Andy.  A is quieter and more talkative.

They are both lovely.

All in all a good day.

We see them again tomorrow, after school.

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