Friday 14 May 2010

An update on the fence situation

Following the fence related missive from social services, I spoke to the manager of the department, to ask what risks they are trying to avoid by getting us to put up a fence and to make her aware of the possible down side of this.

She admitted that they have never encountered this issue before, and therefore don't really know how to deal with it. They are worried that we can't control who visits the neighbours.

By the end of the conversation, she had agreed that it will be acceptable for us to come up with an alternative plan to putting up a fence, so long as we can present something credible to the adoption panel.

Sounds like quite a lot of work over something that shouldn't really be an issue. But still. I was quite proud of myself for remaining professional and constructive when, to be honest, that wasn't really how I was feeling.

1 comment:

  1. "They are worried that we can't control who visits the neighbors."

    I couldnt agree more, I know I have heard about the boggy man. Lets face it, you can't trust anyone in these days. Like your social worker, she would be so proud to know I keep my kids locked in the basement just in case. You can never be to careful.

    No one even knows I have kids, because Im sure if they did, they would kidnap them. If I would you, i would make a 10 feet brick wall with no entry way in or out. Oh, but then we have to think of the fire, so that wont work.

    I'm only kidding of course. This is just plan over the top.

    Not sure if they have ever heard of this, but some parents actually watch their children. I'm not kidding, they really do.

    So while they harbor the thought that what if the boggy man visits the neighbor and what will happen to the children, they seem to forget that there are children in foster homes that are waiting desperatly for their own loving family.


    I have a solution. Just tell them you will tell the kids they are not allowed over the neighbors yard without your permission. durrr!

    You do have a say in what your kids can do and what they
