Wednesday 19 May 2010

Social workers, friendship and brandy

Our meeting with Chris, the social worker, went about as well as we could have expected this morning. Andy and I were both tired today. I was up until late finishing off my 'Garden Risk Assessment'. So by this morning, I had 'papers prepared' for our meeting. A set for each of us. Risk assessment, financial assessment, eco-map of friends and relatives, information about facilities for children in the local area. The only minor blot on my 'Oh so organised' image management strategy was the fact that I ran out of white paper, so some of it was printed on lurid blue.

Chris seems to have survived her phone call with Andy last night. Though she did look a bit stressed at times. We put our case for fencelessness quite eloquently I think. I always like to think I'm being calm and collected on these occasions, but have a suspicion that my passion leaks out and the calm, collected, professional veneer probably fools no one. Andy and I don't really do inscrutable.

Chris has agreed to take the risk assessment away and show it to her managers. She says she'll get back to us. All we can do now is wait and hope for an outbreak of sanity.

We spent most of the session going through the other stuff. I did steer the meeting a bit. Determined not to let the assessment get hijacked by the fence, I was heard to say things like "If you'd like to refer to the second set of papers" and "Shall we start with the financial assessment, which you'll find on the first page..."


We spent two and half hours with her. Saw M from next door in the garden. When he heard we'd spent 2 1/2 hours with the social worker, his question was "Brandy or scotch?" Oh, the joys of self employment!! Andy went back to work. I had a little brandy next door with M, and a chat. Oh the joy and gift of friendship!

Thought those of you who have been following our garden saga would like to see the offending article:

This is in case passing helicopters wonder what religion we are:

This is the bit that we would be left with post erection of a fence:

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