Monday 10 May 2010

Not enough fences....

We had another missive today from Social Services. An envelope from Social Services is not generally a harbinger of joy. This was no exception. My positive feelings after our house inspection were misplaced. The problem? We share a garden with our neighbours.

Our social worker would hate this to be an issue when we go to panel, so is there any way we could re-instate the fence.

Well, we could. Of course we could. But I don't actually think our children would come to any harm from sharing a garden with the neighbours. In fact, given that most of the land belongs to the neighbours and not us, they would gain a very large garden to play in (well, large by UK standards) whereas if there was a fence up, there would only be a very small patioed area. Not ideal at all.

Drafting a letter and hoping that common sense will prevail. What do you think the chances of that are??


  1. are you kidding me? a shared garden? I know people who live in little apartments in the city that have no land at all. Some of these apartments share one playground by everyone that lives in the apartment complex.

    I would talk to a supervisor, I never heard of such a thing. A shared garden. You would think they would be happy that you had neighbors that you get along with for the child. What ever happened to "it takes a village"....

  2. The supervisor suggestion is great... except that this suggestion came from the Supervisor's supervisor.

    "It takes a village" only works in social services world if the whole village undergoes Criminal Records Bureau checks!
