Friday 22 October 2010


Chris, the social worker, saw our second family referees today.  They have come to visit for a few days from the Isle of Wight.  Andy's sister and brother in law.  And the nieces (Hooray!!).

She saw our friend Linda last week and is seeing our other 'friend' referees on Monday.

We are very fond of our nieces.  Even though we don't see them that often.  They are quite grown up now.  19 and 16.  They were very young when Andy and I met and it has been great to see them growing up.  They still remember the time we had a water pistol fight with them in the car park at a cinema.  Then there was the evening we followed dinner with about an hour of kitchen science experiments.  (You know the sort of thing.  Making a battery from an orange.  Blowing up balloons with bicarb and vinegar).  It's great to see them.  Andy is cooking dinner with one of them just now.  I am escaping for 10 minutes.  Long day at work.  Needing to introvert briefly.

Our brother in law, bless him, quizzed the social worker about timescales etc.  She says that 'if she had her way' we would be going to panel in November and it would be 'completed' by December.  But sshhhh.  Apparently he wasn't meant to tell us that.  So don't snitch.  I'm not sure what 'completed' means.  I think it probably means 'approved'.

Off to be sociable and see what the chefs have produced!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy, sounds like fun over at your house :D

    Thank you for leaving me such a wonderful comment on my blog. It is all to seldom to read women spilling about their lovely husbands. I appreciate reading about such at your blog too.

    God bless you always!
