Monday 25 October 2010

The last of the Referees....

Well, the social worker saw the last of our referees this morning.  I chatted to one of them afterwards.  She seemed to think that the conversation went really well.  Which is encouraging.  The social worker asked at the end if she had any questions and she said the one thing she thought I would want to know was 'When?'

Honestly.  I really haven't primed all our referees to nag the social worker about how long this is all taking!!  Our friends obviously feel for us, having walked with us these three years, and it seems that the moment they get the opportunity to talk the social worker, they find a way of slipping it in.

Anyway.  Chris apparently said that she is aiming for us to go to panel in November, be approved by Christmas and begin looking at kids in the New Year.

Meanwhile, Andy and I are just getting our heads round the fact that there just might be an end to this process and we just might end up being parents at the end of it.  We spent the day continuing our work on sorting the house out.  We are still working on moving my office to the box room, to leave another large bedroom free.  We thought it would be a simple task, but it's a very small room that faces into the sun, so when we put my computer in it, I discovered that there was nowhere in the room, where I could actually see the screen, due to the glare from the sunlight.  Even shutting the curtain (which is quite a pale colour) didn't make any difference.  So we had to go out and buy a blind.  Blind is now fitted, but it took much longer than we expected to not get very far.

My computer and desk are now in the new room, which is an oasis of calm and order, because all the 'stuff' is still in the large room!  I quite like it like this....  Who needs paperwork anyway?  It looks like the kind of office you'd see in a show home.  A computer, a desk and just a couple of token items on the shelves.   I have somewhere to work tomorrow, which is the main thing.


  1. The word "referees" always catches my eye and I, crazy American that I am, wonder what a man in a black and white striped shirt with a whistle has to do with your adoptions. :-) No wonder I could never learn another language. I clearly don't have a grasp on my own!

    Sounds like you are really in the final stretch! Yay!

  2. Haha, I'm just like Blue Footed, I think the same when I hear the word "referee" but then realize it's not the US meaning.

    SOunds like things are getting really really close now. You both have very brave hearts to have worked through the three years, still with your passion and sanity in tact. Well done you both. And your friends too!

    Your office sound cool, by the way :D
