Saturday 4 April 2009

sun shine

We're just back from a lovely holiday with friends in Dorset, and the sun is shining here. I will have to go and feed the ducks on the canal before it gets cold and dark.

We're working hard to raise money for our trip to Africa in the summer, and to finalise arrangements. We want to go to Uganda, South Africa and Mozambique, to do work with kids. It looks as if organising transport within Africa is going to be something of a challenge. I don't think Easy Jet cover it....!

The lodgers haven't had their CRB checks yet. Interestingly, though, we had a letter from Birmingham to apologise for not allocating us a social worker yet for a screening visit, but saying they'll do it as soon as possible. I can only guess there's been a clerical error and we've slipped through without the CRB checks for the lodgers. It would be fun to actually benefit from a clerical error!!! I suspect they will realise their mistake soon.

I have decided to chill out about the adoption thing until we're back from Africa. There's loads to do before we go and although I would have liked to have got further on our adoption journey before we leave for the summer, it's probably not worth the emotional energy needed to chase things up. I will therefore let the wheels of bureaucracy trundle. If anything progresses before we leave, that's great, if not, we'll just pick things up when we get back.

Right. Off to feed some ducks!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, i am so rude. I noticed you were following me and I never came over to say thank bad I tell you.

    well, have a great time in Africa, Its my number one place to go to on my top places to go. I am so jealous.
