Saturday 25 April 2009


I don't know whether to laugh or cry. So I have opted mainly for laughing.

We had an unexpected call from Birmingham adoption services this morning. They had rung to remind us that our lodgers haven't had a CRB check yet. And to tell us that they can't proceed any further until that has happened. So I explained again that we are trying to move things forward, but actually it's quite difficult for them to get the time off work to come. It's a long way for something that isn't going to benefit them at all.

And then... I know I shouldn't have.... But I couldn't resist making the suggestion... Common sense overwhelmed me... "Given that you need to send a social worker to do the initial visit anyway, would it not make sense for them to do the CRB check with the lodgers whilst they are here? That way we get it done, and the lodgers don't have to make a 3 hour round trip." This moment of unrestrained logic won me a conversation with her manager.

"I can't possibly have my screening staff conducting CRB checks as well as screening. It would take them longer."
"No it wouldn't."
"Yes it would! CRB checks can take up to an hour!!"
"But you will have to do that, whether it's in Birmingham or in our house. In total, it won't take any longer."
"I can't have my screening staff doing CRB checks just because 2 young people can't get themselves here to do a CRB check."

And then.....

"I notice from your form that you live in Stoke on Trent. I need to tell you now that we may not be able to accept your application because you're out of our area."

WHATTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????????

"But you've known where we live from the beginning. You've known for weeks. We've been to Birmingham twice."
"Well I don't know why you weren't told before. And it's only fair of me to tell you now."

The mind boggles.

"Not only were we not told there might be a problem, we were positively encouraged to apply. We were sold the benefits of applying with Birmingham. At the information meeting we were told that people come from far and wide to adopt with Birmingham, because it's the biggest service in the country with the most expertise."

Spoke to the lodgers. They have rung Birmingham to find out when they can go and do the CRB check. They are available on the 2nd May, because they're travelling through Birmingham. It would be perfect. The agency couldn't tell them whether they would be able to go on the 2nd.

So I rang them back. Slightly cross that we'd been given an earful about our lodgers getting a CRB check when they have been making attempts to make it happen and have met with unhelpfulness.

"They were given the right information. We haven't decided if we're opening on the 2nd May yet. "

Give me strength!

There are to be discussions with a higher manager. They will tell us on Tuesday whether they are prepared to proceed with our application or not. And, if they are, whether they are opening on the 2nd May or not.

Is this normal?

1 comment:

  1. I have adopted 6 through the "system" although we did it in the US before moving to the UK. I don't think it matters what country you are in the process is still long, painful, confusing, crazy and not logical at times. But I need to encourage you that all the red tape and wait are worth it. Just remember to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord while you travel this journey with Him.

