Wednesday 29 April 2009

Ho Hum....

It's just becoming evening here, and the birds are singing their hearts out. The weather has been really British today. We've had rain of various types, from really heavy get totally drenched rain, to light summer rain where you can get away with just a cardigan for protection. There has also been patches of sun, general greyness and then, rather beautifully, when I needed to go to the post office round the corner, we had light rain and sunshine all at once! Now it's cloudy but quite bright. I love British weather. Completely unpredictable and almost completely devoid of anything seriously dangerous.

We're still waiting for Birmingham to decide if Stoke on Trent is close enough for them to accept us as potential adopters. I have been promised a phone call today before 8pm. Which means I've been really rather jumpy every time the phone has rung. The last couple of days I've been a bit low, to be honest. Struggling to work effectively. Feeling like I'm trudging through treacle.

While I'm saying in my mind, that whether we adopt or not, God has a good plan for us, that Birmingham Adoption Agency doesn't have the last word on our destiny etc etc... my heart hasn't quite caught up. The truth is, I really care about what happens. Whilst they've been beavering away at their paperwork without bothering us, I've been able to focus on other things. Not so this week. Ho hum...

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