Thursday 16 June 2011


Have I just not noticed how noisy the world is, or are we jinxed in some way?  Littlest son needs cuddles when there is noise about.  Particularly lawn mowers, hedge trimmers and the like.  I swear, for the first two weeks we had them, EVERY TIME we went to a park, there was a lawn mower.

Last week, at our local park there was no less than four lawn mowers.  FOUR!  It's really not that big a park.  

Today, everybody in the world was cutting trees down.

The other day, just as we were leaving the house, a mechanical road sweeper came down our road.  We have lived here seven years and I have never ever seen a road sweeper of any description in our little road.  Let alone a noisy, growly, mechanical one.  And it appears just as we're leaving the house.  FOUR TIMES it went up and down the road.


Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you....

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