Thursday 2 June 2011

The Boys are Home!

A and J came home yesterday.  The last few days of introductions were absolutely exhausting.  We were travelling almost an hour on the motorway to collect them, to bring them to ours for the day and then take them back down the motorway so they could sleep at the Foster Carers'.

The kids are really full on.  Needing lots of attention and stimulation.  A is pushing every boundary he spots.  Despite the fact he really quite likes to please.  We are working at being consistent and ensuring there are boundaries whilst still working out what boundaries we think there ought to be.  And working to present a united front.  Fortunately A's attempts at divide and conquer lack finesse at present.  He asks the same question of both us, when we are in clear earshot of each other!!

Last night they got to sleep really well, slept through until about quarter to seven, apart from a brief waking up and screaming moment at half three, which was easily sorted with a cuddle, and then played quietly for about 45 minutes.  I slept really well, except when disturbed by Andy who was alert to every sound and checking on them when he heard noises - such as the neighbours walking about next door!

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