Saturday 22 January 2011

Oh! The irony!

Had a really excited 40 minutes yesterday afternoon.  Noticed on my lovely smart phone, that we had 6 emails from social services.  Profiles of children awaiting adoption, for us to consider!!!  How exciting!!!

I rang Andy to tell him to access my email account from home and download the information, as I was at work.  There is one email telling us they are sending us profiles to look at, in other emails, and 5 other emails!  That has to be AT LEAST five kids/sibling groups to look at, by my reckoning!

Why can't I tell you precisely?  Well, because the files are password protected.  They sent us the emails on Friday afternoon.  With a message to ring the secretary to get the password to open the files.  Couldn't get hold of the secretary.  Probably because it was Friday afternoon.  And now it's the weekend.

How frustrating!  I have laughed lots at the irony of this.  It won't kill us to wait until Monday.  There have been far worse moments in this process.  Needless to say, we will be on the phone to the office first thing Monday morning.  Deliberately not getting too excited.  We need to look at the profiles.  There might not be anyone suitable.  The fact they've sent 5 suggests a bit of a scatter gun approach, rather than a "we've carefully considered and think these children would be perfect for you" sort of thing.  But to know that information about OUR CHILDREN might be on my computer RIGHT NOW I can't just access it....

Enough second guessing!  It is Saturday evening.  Time for pizza and beer and a DVD!

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