Saturday 19 June 2010

Enjoying our assessment

I know this isn't what people usually say about the pre-adoption assessment process, but I am actually quite enjoying it.  We have finally managed to put to bed the issue of the fence.  Which is great!  The risk assessments and information about the shared garden will go into the report and we do not have to put up a fence in order to continue with the assessment process.  Hooray!

So to the process itself.  I know lots of people find it intrusive.  And I know that we are being finally judged worthy or not worthy of being parents.   But actually it's an opportunity to talk about ourselves and our views for a couple of hours every week or so to someone who is paid to listen and take it seriously.  What's not to like?  People pay therapists hundreds of pounds for that kind of opportunity!

This week we were talking about our relationship.  How we met.  What the strengths of our relationship are.  We had to say how we view one another so we'd both written short pieces about one another in preparation for the assessment.  Which Chris read out.  It was all quite romantic and slightly un-British.  A bit gushing really.  The sorts of things people say in funeral eulogies.  (There's a thought.  We could keep them.  Might save a job for one of us later on...)

We're also going to something called a profiling event next month.  We will get to see information about children the local authority is seeking to place with families.  I am really looking forward to that.  It will be good to find out about real children in our county needing families.  And we can express an interest in children we would like to know more about.  Although I suspect the fact we've not been approved means it's a bit like when you're looking at houses and you haven't sold yours yet and there are other people interested who have.

On the emotional roller-coaster that is adoption, I am on the flat bit at the top, where the view is marvellous and it's kind of peaceful and you think it might just get exciting some time soon.

1 comment:

  1. Huh? Did you actually say you are enjoying the assessment process? This is the first time I've ever read that. Well, well done you!

    I can see how learning more about certain children can leave your heart a bit vulnerable to the possibilities, but you're a brave lady, and things could go pretty quickly I guess.
    All the best- Eve
