Saturday 26 June 2010

Feeling hot hot hot!

It's summer!  And it's been summer all day!  It was summer yesterday as well.  And the day before that.  I was doing some Speech Therapy locuming in Liverpool Thursday and Friday and someone brought ice lollies into the office for everyone to share.  A really nice touch I thought.

Next Thursday is probably our last assessment visit from the social worker.  Then she needs to meet with our referees.  And the neighbour who shares our fenceless garden.  And then I suppose she will write her report.

What is interesting is that at this point, I have no idea at all how long it might be before we become parents.  It could conceivably be quite soon.  Presuming we get through panel.  Though to be honest I really can't see why we wouldn't.  We have spent the last couple of years trying not to think too hard about having kids, because there have been so many uncertainties.  I have resisted the temptation to buy cute things for future children almost completely. 

(This was my one moment of weakness...

I wouldn't normally have succumbed.  I don't go into toy shops unless I have someone very specific to buy for.  But I was in a furniture shop.  One doesn't expect to be ambushed by cute toys in furniture shops.  Now I look at him, he's a bit odd really - though very very cuddly... But I digress...)

It is beginning to occur to me, however, that we really ought to start thinking about the practicalities of having children in the house.  Although I know of so many people who get approved  and then wait for months and months before they get matched.  So do we start getting the house ready now?  In case it happens soon?  What happens if we get matched?  Will we get lots of time to prepare or will it all happen really quickly?  Will having a pile of sorting out to do, when we are waiting between being matched and starting introductions, be a welcome and exciting distraction, or will we be so busy, we curse the fact we didn't do everything now, when we had time?  If we tidy up now and buy furniture and things, will it be time well invested or will I then have children's bedrooms devoid of children to wander in and out of in a morbid fashion for a year and a half while social services insist that they don't have any children to place with us yet?

Questions to ponder in the garden over a glass of cold beer, perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. Treat yourself. I can imagine it being very fun shoping for children, in fact I do it myself, and there are no children with me yet.

    That is such a cute stuffed animal, I love it! With something like this you can tuck it away if the process is going to take a long time. You made me think twice about the bedroom set up, that can be difficult to walk into when your wait is taking forever and a day. I suppose you'll do what your heart can handle.

    I hope you both wont have to wait very long.
