Sunday 21 March 2010

Random Visitors....

Our church is in the middle of town, along a sort of back street, that is busiest at night, when people are out drinking and clubbing. It's usually quite quiet in the day. Over the last week or two, we've begun to get random people dropping in. We're planning to start a sort of drop in / church thingy on a Tuesday tea time, beginning in May. We prayed about it last Sunday, and, as previously posted, ended up spending an hour with a homeless guy.

Since then, every time we've been open, someone has dropped in. Usually someone who would be an ideal candidate for our up-coming Tuesday thing, called 'Wings'. At a meeting on Tuesday, someone called Kay stuck her head round the door and told us she thought we were doing marvellous things and that God would guide us. She came in for a few minutes and talked about how God had helped her and that she's not having so much trouble with her mental health currently.

Then on Wednesday night, we were having a Nightchurch meeting. About 12 of us sitting round chatting, and a drunk bloke called Patrick asked if he could come in. So I said yes of course, and made him coffee. And he sat through most of the meeting, probably fairly bemused. At one point he went to answer a phone call, and I heard him telling the caller that he was in a church, and that we were nice and not brain-washing him. Then he came and sat down again and asked everyone to tell him what their favourite films were.

This afternoon, it was a heroin addict and his friend that came in. Andy was able to provide expert drug advice. I was able to provide coffee and cake.

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