Sunday 7 March 2010

Loadsa stuff

Sunday evening. No adoption news this week. Will ring them on Monday.

Have had a good week anyway though. Loads of church stuff going on. Nightchurch (see link on left for more info) was great on Friday. We had lots of people in, including a birthday party all dressed in 80's costumes. And a young man who is really interested in history. He wasn't a Christian as far as I could tell, but knew lots about the reformation. Offered to help out at Nightchurch and said he could do a talk on history for us if we wanted him to. Not sure that a drop in for drunk people is quite the venue for a history lecture. Might see if he would do a talk for Church Without Walls though. I think that could be really interesting.

Also working on starting a drop in / informal church for people on the streets. We've got a perfect location for it. Beginning to get a team together now, which is fantastic. Two of them came along to church this afternoon to talk about it and so we could pray for the project together.
Met a guy called Simon this week. He's a Methodist pioneer minister who has just started work in the city. Really good guy. Refreshingly thoughtful in his theology.

And on Thursday went to an evening event run by the local 'seedbed' group. An organisation that funds small projects so long as they are mission oriented, run by people from more than one church and who are not church leaders. Really about helping people with a dream to make a difference, make a difference. Everyone said something about the project they were running and how Seedbed had helped. There was someone working with prostitutes, someone who'd set up a radio station, a bloke trying to set up a long distance footpath for pilgrims and a couple of people with a mobile coffee bar amongst other things. A whole world of passion and creativity. Amazing.

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