Saturday 26 February 2011

Meeting foster carers...

We are meeting the boys' foster carers on Monday!  This is very exciting!  I have been very excited for days now.  Very much looking forward to our boys coming home.

No.  We don't have a date.  The adoption process is far too convoluted for us to have anything sensible like a date yet!!!!  Our social worker and their social worker, have confirmed already that they are happy to proceed.  We meet the foster carers on Monday, to find out more about the boys.  Then we officially say yes.  And then the social workers do a report that goes to a panel that has to ratify the decision.  And then that decision is officially ratified by an official decision maker.  And then introductions are planned.

The ridiculous thing is that the time from the official official decision being made, to us beginning a 2 week introduction period with boys, by the end of which they will be living with us, is generally really short.  It can be as quick as a week or 10 days.

This really means that we have to assume they are coming.  Otherwise we would have nothing ready!!!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Probable match...

We have been finding out about two young boys, brothers aged 2 and 4.  I am pretty sure these are our kids.  This morning we met with their social worker and our social worker.  It's all very encouraging!

We need to wait to find out if the social workers are as positive about the match as we are.  If so, the next step is for us to meet the foster carer.  How exciting!!!!  I don't think there is anything they would tell us now, that would make us change our minds.  And I don't think the SWs are going to say no.

This may sound a little overconfident at this stage, but I honestly think we have found our kids and we are now just waiting for the wheels of bureaucracy to do their thing.  And our boys, I think, will come home early in the summer.

Monday 14 February 2011


We spent Saturday with our friends, filming bits and pieces for our introductory DVD.

Our puppeteer friends arrived with loads of equipment.  Tripods, cameras, lights on huge stands, sunlight reflector...  It was really quite stunning!

We had lots of fun.  It was great to be doing something concrete for our future kids.

The film is not finished, but they've done us a trailer.  Enjoy!


Our next door neighbour commented yesterday that I've been happier, since we got approved in January, than she's ever seen me. I'd not really thought about it, but it has been so good to be this side of approval.

We are smiling quite a bit!