Thursday 7 May 2009

Birmingham says "no"...South Africa says "yes"!

At last. An answer from Birmingham adoption agency this evening. They have finally decided that we are too far outside their area to deal with. This is after we've been to Birmingham for 2 appointments, persuaded our lodgers to go to Birmingham to complete their CRB checks, filled in several forms and been in their system for weeks. Since way before Easter.

I have cried a bit. Am wondering how I'll cope if this all comes to nothing in the end and wondering if there's any point in all this. I suspect this will not be the last time I feel like this.

Now taking a deep breath. Thankfully we didn't formally withdraw from the process with Staffordshire. They are still processing our medicals. Will need lots and lots of patience. They are very very slow. But they do have lots of kids needing a family.

Good things.....

Went to a fabulous study day in Cardiff today. On Dyspraxia following stroke. Lovely to be learning and thinking.

We have heard from the organisation we're going to volunteer with in South Africa. Hooray! We'll be working in schools, with orphans and vulnerable children and with the childrens' programme in a local church. How cool is that?!!

Off to the pub now for curry church. We meet friends at a local hostelry for curry, prayer and conversation. It was really lovely last time. And God answered some prayers wonderfully.


  1. Truly, it is not in vain! We have been through quite a bit but still we keep bringing more kids into our home. It always seems overwhelming in the midst of it, but the calm after the storm is always so beautiful. I do believe the enemy tries to make it so discouraging so that people will want to give up. Please, though, do not give in to this LIE. Praying in Uganda.

  2. THANK YOU for your encouragement! And for your prayers. Your family is amazing and an inspiration. We will persist!

    I'm not sure the enemy needs to try and make it discouraging! I think the processes and the bureaucracy do that very efficiently without intervention!
