Thursday 5 March 2009

Meeting in Birmingham

We went for our meeting in Birmingham on Saturday. There were about 4 other couples there. We watched a DVD about Birmingham adoption service and then the social worker who led the meeting talked us through the process. There was no new information really and I'd already watched the DVD because they sent a copy in the post. It was still good to meet other people intent on walking the same path as us.

There was one couple who were starting the approval process again with Birmingham. They were approved with Barnardos about 2 1/2 years ago, but have still not been matched with a child. How frustrating must that be... It makes me think that Birmingham might be a good idea just because they have so many children waiting for adoption. About 150 at any one time, apparently.

Inevitably, there were details of children waiting for adoption. There were 2 groups of 3 siblings that really caught my eye. And tugged at my heart strings. A mix of boys and girls in each case. The other thing that really moved me was hearing about teenagers who have been in care and then become pregnant and are unable to cope.

I came away more certain about wanting to adopt and more sure that I have no idea what we're letting ourselves into!

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