Monday 26 January 2009

It's wanting what you've got...

Facing infertility actually wasn't the first time I'd thought about adoption. I'd quite often considered fostering or adoption. Andy and I have known quite a few people who have been through the care system in one way or another. I'd always thought we might end up fostering or adopting. After we'd had children of our own.

It was sat in the garden praying that something happened in me to change my perspective. Stuck between my desire for children and the very horrible (in my view at the time) prospect of IVF I suddenly thought "Why am I striving to create a life that I haven't got? Shouldn't I be living with vigour the life that God has given me?" And that simple thought opened a window in my soul that let in some fresh air and new perspective and allowed us to consider other perspectives. Amongst which was the thought that actually I'd like to provide a home and family to some people whose lives would be different as a result. And actually, if that's what we were to end up doing, I'd really like to be able to assure our children that they were not absolutely the last resort in a search for a family of our own.

So Andy and I began to talk. And I'm not sure how, but conversation kind of drifted from fostering to try out parenting towards the idea of adoption. Probably of slightly older children. And it didn't take much investigation to discover that sibling groups are particularly difficult to place. After all the disruption that children must go through prior to placement in an adoptive family, think what a blessing it would be to be able to arrive somewhere new with a brother or sister. A bit of stability amidst turmoil.

So with those thoughts in mind, we began investigating adoption agencies.

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