Tuesday 27 January 2009

Birthday thoughts

I'm 38 today. Birthdays always make me think and reflect. It's now just over a year since we had our first meeting with the adoption agency. I remember waiting for that first appointment with such eagerness. Just knowing the name of the woman from Staffordshire Social Services felt significant. Ridiculous really.

It was a very pleasant meeting. She was lovely. Because Andy has had a number of health issues, which actually turn out to be one health issue (he has sarcoidosis - a disease which causes the body to produce lumps randomly in all sorts of inconvenient places; in his case it manifested itself originally in his brain - which is particularly inconvenient) Babara suggested we should go for our adoption medicals first.

This is where everything ground to a halt last February. I had my medical (it's still sat in a folder somewhere). Andy went to have his, but was suffering so badly with a chest infection at the time that he couldn't stop coughing for long enough to answer the questions. Best to re-schedule and get a chest x-ray. Chest X-ray showed enlarged heart, which could possibly be serious, and our GP suggested that we would be best to get the results of some heart investigations before proceeding with the adoption process, as the agency probably wouldn't do anything until we had the results back anyway. The agency agreed. Eventually we got bored of waiting for Andy's results. Andy suggested we ask them if we could get on with other bits of the process while we waited for medical results. Particularly as most people have their medical check at the end. No. We need to get medical approval first.

Would you believe it took nearly a year for the medics to eventually decide that Andy's heart is probably fine. He was quite worried about the possible results. I wasn't worried at all. When you've spent as much time as we have in the last few years dealing with medical issues, you get a bit blase to be honest. He's had no symptoms of heart trouble (apart from one bout of mysterious chest pain, that turned out to be nothing) and does martial arts 3 times a week. If his heart wasn't working properly, I think we'd have known.

It's been a strange year. One of the most wonderful things for me, about deciding to explore adoption, was that suddenly I could enjoy the company of children again without feeling that awful pang of grief. Then we had to put everything on hold. For ages. We both quite deliberately shelved the whole thing. Stopped thinking about it. And suddenly being with children was difficult again - much to my disgust. And because we weren't thinking about it, I started wondering if I do want to adopt, or if I'm just mildly deranged and unhinged. I don't really process information emotionally.

For me, things that make sense are logical. Emotions are things you manage. Logic is what you base decisions upon. (My Myers-Briggs profile is INTP). But nobody wants or has kids for logical reasons. So living in this emotional world of maternal longing and wanting to open our home to little people but not really being able to give a logical reasoned argument as to why, is like living in a foreign land with no phrasebook. Interesting but slightly unnerving.

By the time we got to August, I really didn't know anymore what I thought about any of it. Then we went to Greenbelt (a fabulous Christian Arts festival) and there was a seminar about fostering and adoption. And I really really wanted to go along to it. Andy didn't want to come because he didn't see the point, given that there was nothing we could do about it at the moment anyway. He thought I'd just get upset. I knew I wouldn't - it was just a chance to get some information.

Seminar was deeply disappointing. It was about fostering. With adoption thrown in as a bit of an afterthought. Why do fostering and adoption get bundled together like that all the time? And how could Andy possibly have known that I'd get upset, when I knew absolutely that I was just going to get information? Masculine instinct, perhaps...?

Anyway. We're a year on from that original meeting. I rang the agency in December, as soon as we knew the results from Andy's tests, mainly to ask if I would need my medical to be done again, given that it's now a year on, or if I could just post it, and to say that Andy was now ready to have his. Barbara didn't want us to do anything until we've met with her again. So we set a date for early January. Barbara had to cancel. We're meeting her (hopefully) next Wednesday. Presumably to have exactly the same conversation that we had last year.

We had quite a hectic 2008 for lots of reasons, so waiting a while is probably no bad thing. I'm also much more sure now that I want to adopt and it's not just a reaction to Andy's test results. But we still haven't even got as far as the medical.


  1. I hope you had a happy, blessed birthday! Thank you for your birthday wishes. No, I didn't get to play in the snow...too busy homeschooling my boys and making a big dinner. The snow changed to freezing rain and that has made things more interesting.
    I hope your meeting with the adoption agency goes well. I still remember all the meetings when we were starting the process. Our three beautiful children were worth it all! God bless....

  2. Also, if you go back to the beginning of my blog from last April, you can read my adoption stories if you like.

  3. Thanks Barb! I really enjoyed reading your story. It's great to hear the story of someone who has been where we are. I know that whatever God has for us is good in the truest sense of the word. And that's really exciting!

    Best wishes...
