Tuesday 8 December 2009


We just got a form through the post this week, inviting us to an adoption preparation class in February. I sent it back today. I'm really excited!! I'm excited about the course. I'm excited about our friends and family writing and sending off their reference forms.

I know that for many people, all this bureaucratic stuff feels like a nuisance (and it may feel that way to us in a few months time - my patience with paperwork and processes is not great). For me, having spent 2 years waiting for it to start, it really feels wonderful! We are on our way at last!

It's also time to begin to think about what having kids would actually mean for us practically. I have deliberately resisted doing that because Andy's medical history could so easily have meant it wouldn't happen. I really wanted to take one day at a time. To have created the image of a family in my head for it then to be potentially dashed felt unwise. There is enough grief in the whole infertility experience already, without willfully adding to it, thank you very much. So it's only now that, tentatively, I'm starting to think about it.

And I'm really excited!

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