Sunday 29 November 2009

Filling in forms - fun for all the family!

My parents came to visit this weekend, with one of my sisters and brought the adoption reference forms with them. They had spent some time together answering the questions. Mum said they decided they would do it separately and then exchange ideas. The thought of them sitting down together at the dining room table, answering questions on our behalf, was profoundly supportive. They'd written some really nice stuff about the sort of people we are and how we relate to children. The kind of thing you think about people and don't necessarily always say.

The other thing that was interesting is that they had remembered about things I'd done, in terms of working with kids over the years, that I had completely forgotten about. For several weeks one summer, in the summer holidays from University, for example, I had a job leading a play scheme for children and young people with learning disabilities. And I helped out at Sunday School as a teeenager for several years. Then, as we got talking, we both remembered loads of other things we've done. If we list everything, it comes out as quite a substantial inventory of experience. We've led children's work in Kosovo, visited orphanages in the Ukraine, set up youth groups for churches. I helped on a holiday for children with severe speech and language disorder one year. Andy's work with young offenders and teenagers with behavioural difficulties. Honestly, the list goes on and on.

They had also remembered things that we'd told them, that I wouldn't necessarily have expected them to remember. Like the fact that when our nieces came to stay one time, we put up a tent in the garden and camped out with them.

Mum looked at me and said, "you've got a lot of experience. More than most would have. More than we had when we had you." And I thought, 'yes, we have, actually.'

In fact, the whole thing was profoundly affirming and encouraging. Who'd have thought forms could be fun!

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