Friday 26 June 2009

Grabbing a bit of me time...

Well, we've got just 4 days before we'll be on the plane on our way to Africa. Andy had his last day at work today. The bags are packed. Passports etc are all organised. Andy is out at the pub with friends and I'm grabbing a bit of me time. Just chilling out by myself. I find I need to do that sometimes to stay sane.

Andy came home today with a broken tooth. Damaged whilst eating crisps. Crisps of all things!! You wouldn't think a crisp would break a tooth, would you? Not good timing, however. We've literally only got Monday for him to get it sorted out before we go. Luckily, a friend of our is a dentist and has agreed to look at it for him.

We eventually got a reply to my complaint to Birmingham adoption agency. They promised to take my comments into account, apologised for some things and gave lengthy and rambling explanations for others. Not quite sure what I expected from writing really. I did it thinking, "at least I will have raised the issues. What they do with it is up to them." So I've got what I set out to. But it doesn't change anything for us. Oh well...

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